
A breakthrough of my mind

thinking tactics

Today I got a really nice chess puzzle that makes me review all of my knowledge, or even more important - the way I should think strategically. 🤔

chess puzzle 1

via chess.com

The puzzle starts with black makes Na5, white to move.

To this day, what I have learned about chess strategies could be shortened into: seek to prevail. There are many shapes of prevail, that is:

  • checkmate the opposite king
  • gain the advantage in trading pieces (sacrifice)
  • take the advantage of space (suppress, narrow the opponent’s scope of activity)
  • promotion

Apply to the current situation, white wins one piece (a pawn which means 1 point but it’s just a gambit), a little bit advantage of space (a pawn in d5 followed by Bishop at c4), a bad move of black pawn f7. And on top of that, white has a strong Bishop - Bc4 which makes a threat to Kg8 indirectly.


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